Summary Statistics and Statistical Tests
- Obtain summary statistics using base R, psych, and dplyr
- Obtain summary statistics to compare groups
- Explore variable correlation
- Statistically compare the means of two groups using the t-Test and Mann-Whitney U Test
- Compare multiple groups using ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis Test
Summary Statistics
There are many packages available in R that provide functions to summarize data. Here, I will primarily demonstrate dplyr, which we explored in the data manipulation module, and psych. I tend to use dplyr for data manipulation and summarization tasks. However, pysch is also very useful as it allows you to obtain a variety of summary statistics quickly.
First, you will need to read in the required packages. If you haven’t installed them, you will need to do so. Also, you will need to load in some example data. We will work with the high_plains_data.csv file. The elevation (“elev”), temperature (“temp”), and precipitation (“precip2”) data were extracted from raster grids provided by the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University. The elevation data are provided in feet, the temperature data represent 30-year annual normal mean temperature in Celsius, and the precipitation data represent 30-year annual normal precipitation in inches. The original raster grids have a resolution of 4-by-4 kilometers and can be obtained here. I also summarized percent forest (“per_for”") from the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD). NLCD data can be obtained from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC). The link at the bottom of the page provides the example data and R Markdown file used to generate this module.
<- read.csv("high_plains_data.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE) hp_data
Global Summary Statistics using dplyr and psych
I do not need all of the columns to work through the examples. So, I am using dplyr to select out only the required variables into a new data frame. Once the required columns have been extracted, I use the summary() function from base R to obtain summary information for each column. The minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, and maximum values are returned for continuous variables. For factors, the factor levels and associated counts are returned.
Calling levels() on a factor column will print the list of factor levels. This data set contains county-level data across eight states.
Generally, I find that it is a good idea to use summary() to inspect data prior to performing any analyses.
<- %>% select(NAME_1, STATE_NAME, TOTPOP10, POPDENS10, per_for, temp, elev, precip2)) hp_data2
NAME_1 STATE_NAME TOTPOP10 POPDENS10 : 6 Kansas :105 Min. : 460 Min. : 0.30
Lincoln County : 5 Nebraska : 93 1st Qu.: 3307 1st Qu.: 2.70
Sheridan County: 4 South Dakota: 66 Median : 7310 Median : 6.40
Custer County : 4 Colorado : 64 Mean : 31723 Mean : 48.62
Douglas County : 4 Montana : 56 3rd Qu.: 19687 3rd Qu.: 17.60
Garfield County: 4 North Dakota: 53 Max. :1029655 Max. :3922.60
Grant County :462 (Other) : 52
per_for temp elev precip2 : 0.00119 Min. : 0.3863 Min. : 251.7 Min. : 2.302
Min. : 0.17940 1st Qu.: 6.1287 1st Qu.: 478.8 1st Qu.: 4.413
1st Qu.: 1.21404 Median : 8.7381 Median : 755.0 Median : 5.398
Median : 6.11726 Mean : 8.5053 Mean :1026.4 Mean : 5.782
Mean : 6.31987 3rd Qu.:10.8541 3rd Qu.:1413.6 3rd Qu.: 6.831
3rd Qu.:44.73928 Max. :14.3880 Max. :3475.8 Max. :11.449
1] "Colorado" "Kansas" "Montana" "Nebraska" "North Dakota"
[6] "South Dakota" "Utah" "Wyoming" [
The base R head() and tail() functions can be used to print the first five or last five rows of data, respectively. If you would like to print a different number of rows, you can use the optional n argument. Similar to summary(), these functions are useful for inspecting data prior to an analysis.
NAME_1 STATE_NAME TOTPOP10 POPDENS10 per_for temp1 Hinsdale County Colorado 843 0.8 34.962703710 1.410638
2 Kiowa County Colorado 1398 0.8 0.002119576 11.159492
3 Kit Carson County Colorado 8270 3.8 0.021467393 10.179698
4 Las Animas County Colorado 15507 3.2 11.687192860 10.439925
5 Lincoln County Colorado 5467 2.1 0.043238069 9.573578
6 Logan County Colorado 22709 12.4 0.124508994 9.749204
elev precip21 3334.739 8.002461
2 1269.637 3.842018
3 1348.005 4.354140
4 1834.354 4.247577
5 1564.500 3.762286
6 1278.252 4.252787
NAME_1 STATE_NAME TOTPOP10 POPDENS10 per_for temp elev484 Natrona County Wyoming 75450 14.1 1.6269573 6.736350 1851.832
485 Niobrara County Wyoming 2484 0.9 1.1470432 8.011750 1382.148
486 Platte County Wyoming 8667 4.2 2.3411135 8.072507 1573.332
487 Sweetwater County Wyoming 43806 4.2 0.1793681 5.412980 2092.429
488 Washakie County Wyoming 8533 3.8 2.7601385 6.963218 1595.407
489 Weston County Wyoming 7208 3.0 4.6158960 7.501733 1361.416
precip2484 3.233924
485 3.835656
486 3.847026
487 2.323045
488 3.260599
489 3.751864
The describe() function from the psych package can be used to obtain a variety of summary statistics for all or individual columns of data. By default it will return the mean, standard deviation, median, trimmed mean, median absolute deviation, minimum, maximum, range, skewness, kurtosis, and standard error for continuous data.
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min* 1 489 197.06 113.04 199.00 196.78 145.29 1.00
NAME_1* 2 489 3.81 2.01 4.00 3.70 2.97 1.00
STATE_NAME3 489 31722.60 92877.01 7310.00 11504.06 7227.67 460.00
TOTPOP10 4 489 48.61 239.36 6.40 10.64 6.82 0.30
POPDENS10 5 489 6.12 10.04 1.21 3.73 1.73 0.00
per_for 6 489 8.51 3.09 8.74 8.55 3.55 0.39
temp 7 489 1026.36 717.62 754.99 918.55 496.27 251.72
elev 8 489 5.78 1.87 5.40 5.61 1.77 2.30
max range skew kurtosis se* 396.00 395.00 0.01 -1.19 5.11
NAME_1* 8.00 7.00 0.34 -0.90 0.09
STATE_NAME1029655.00 1029195.00 5.94 42.42 4200.04
TOTPOP10 3922.60 3922.30 10.87 149.71 10.82
POPDENS10 44.74 44.74 1.91 2.52 0.45
per_for 14.39 14.00 -0.11 -0.79 0.14
temp 3475.78 3224.06 1.20 0.62 32.45
elev 11.45 9.15 0.80 0.23 0.08 precip2
To obtain individual statistics, you can use the summarize() function from dplyr. In the examples below, I am obtaining the mean, standard deviation, and median for the elevation data. The result can be saved to a variable for later use.
%>% summarize(mn = mean(hp_data2$elev))
mn1 1026.362
%>% summarize(sd = sd(hp_data2$elev))
sd1 717.6236
%>% summarize(med = median(hp_data2$elev))
med1 754.9867
The base R hist() function can be used to generate a histogram to visualize the distribution of a single continuous variable. In a later module, you will learn to make more refined histograms using the ggplot2 package; however, this base R function can be useful for simple data exploration.
Summary Statistics by Group
As opposed to obtaining global summary statistics, you may be interested in summarizing data by group for comparison. The describeBy() function from the psych package expands upon describe() to allow for grouping. In the example below, I have obtained summary statistics by state. By default the result will be returned as a list object; however, you can set the mat argument to TRUE to obtain the output as a data frame.
<- describeBy(hp_data2$per_for, hp_data2$STATE_NAME, mat=TRUE)
for_stat print(for_stat)
item group1 vars n mean sd median trimmed1 Colorado 1 64 18.341749 15.181901 22.7831594 17.9144943
X11 2 Kansas 1 105 2.769612 3.304699 1.4923449 2.2367985
X12 3 Montana 1 56 10.324312 10.899905 5.9975489 9.0668248
X13 4 Nebraska 1 93 1.294360 1.434022 0.8298879 1.0485710
X14 5 North Dakota 1 53 0.707462 1.087484 0.3632199 0.4430518
X15 6 South Dakota 1 66 1.495026 4.730695 0.3260004 0.4975848
X16 7 Utah 1 29 18.941720 10.148612 20.5519685 18.8203153
X17 8 Wyoming 1 23 6.201908 5.870400 4.6158960 5.4205776
mad min max range skew kurtosis se19.0951614 0.001186869 44.739277 44.738091 -0.05466347 -1.5799113 1.8977377
X11 2.1437061 0.007282816 13.132781 13.125498 1.20217682 0.5142227 0.3225056
X12 8.0034310 0.027169554 34.771343 34.744174 0.86246043 -0.7133704 1.4565610
X13 1.0702851 0.006612731 6.504017 6.497405 1.42202432 1.4851247 0.1487012
X14 0.4160004 0.014679896 5.570716 5.556036 2.70381660 7.4230217 0.1493775
X15 0.3670117 0.004006820 33.882768 33.878761 5.43933498 31.9477734 0.5823083
X16 10.8379308 2.723746424 37.800489 35.076743 -0.01016540 -1.2541347 1.8845499
X17 4.4314006 0.179368100 25.384380 25.205012 1.49953605 2.4117033 1.2240631 X18
Alternatively, you can use the dplyr group_by() function to obtain summary statistics by group. In the example below I am piping the data frame into group_by() followed by summarize() to obtain the mean county percent forest by state. If you would like to calculate a summary statistic for more than one column at once, you can use the summarize_all() function as opposed to summarize() as demonstrated in the second code block.
%>% group_by(STATE_NAME) %>% summarize(mn = mean(per_for))
hp_data2 # A tibble: 8 x 2
STATE_NAME mn<fct> <dbl>
1 Colorado 18.3
2 Kansas 2.77
3 Montana 10.3
4 Nebraska 1.29
5 North Dakota 0.707
6 South Dakota 1.50
7 Utah 18.9
8 Wyoming 6.20
%>% group_by(STATE_NAME) %>% summarize_all(funs(mean))
hp_data2 # A tibble: 8 x 8
STATE_NAME NAME_1 TOTPOP10 POPDENS10 per_for temp elev precip2<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Colorado NA 78581. 146. 18.3 6.85 2190. 5.14
2 Kansas NA 27173. 49.3 2.77 12.6 554. 7.58
3 Montana NA 17668. 7.35 10.3 5.80 1282. 4.73
4 Nebraska NA 19638. 42.3 1.29 9.82 694. 6.43
5 North Dakota NA 12690. 8.49 0.707 5.11 550. 4.68
6 South Dakota NA 12336. 14.0 1.50 7.72 596. 5.58
7 Utah NA 95306. 117. 18.9 8.27 1937. 4.39
8 Wyoming NA 24505. 6.37 6.20 5.88 1848. 4.14
Statistical Methods
We will now explore some common statistical tests. Since this is not a statistics course, I will not demonstrate complex tests; however, if you need to conduct more complex tests than those demonstrated here, I think you will find that the syntax will be similar to the examples provided. ### Correlation
The base R cor() function allows for the calculation of correlation between pairs of continuous variables. The following methods are available:
- Pearson Correlation Coefficient: parametric and assesses the linear correlation between two variables (similar to R-squared)
- Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient: nonparametric measure based on ranks
- Kendal Rank Correlation Coefficient: nonparametric measure based on ranks and reported as probabilities
Parametric tests have assumptions relating to data distribution. For example, the data may be assumed to be normally distributed. If input data do not meet the distribution requirements, the tests may be invalid or misleading. In contrast, nonparametric tests do not have distribution assumptions and often rely on the ranks or order of data point values as opposed to their actual value or magnitude. They can serve as a more appropriate test when distribution assumptions are violated.
In the example below, I have compared the correlation between population density, percent forest cover, temperature, elevation, and precipitation using all three methods. Large positive values indicate direct or positive correlation between the two variables while negative values indicate indirect or inverse correlation between the two variables. You may have noticed that the diagonal values are 1 for all methods. This is because a variable is perfectly correlated with itself.
If you would like to visualize or graph variable correlations, I highly recommend the corrplot package.
cor(hp_data2[,4:8], method="pearson")
POPDENS10 per_for temp elev precip21.00000000 0.01008319 0.1034935 0.03646341 0.0569110
POPDENS10 0.01008319 1.00000000 -0.4199889 0.76004048 0.1356033
per_for 0.10349346 -0.41998889 1.0000000 -0.52669255 0.4051434
temp 0.03646341 0.76004048 -0.5266925 1.00000000 -0.3306361
elev 0.05691100 0.13560330 0.4051434 -0.33063615 1.0000000
precip2 cor(hp_data2[,4:8], method="spearman")
POPDENS10 per_for temp elev precip21.0000000 0.2595500 0.2586090 -0.2622042 0.4927968
POPDENS10 0.2595500 1.0000000 -0.2366128 0.2818702 0.2454769
per_for 0.2586090 -0.2366128 1.0000000 -0.4462037 0.3763700
temp -0.2622042 0.2818702 -0.4462037 1.0000000 -0.5538748
elev 0.4927968 0.2454769 0.3763700 -0.5538748 1.0000000
precip2 cor(hp_data2[,4:8], method="kendall")
POPDENS10 per_for temp elev precip21.0000000 0.1809036 0.1699107 -0.1929554 0.3508058
POPDENS10 0.1809036 1.0000000 -0.1529384 0.1401321 0.1943746
per_for 0.1699107 -0.1529384 1.0000000 -0.3186832 0.2619598
temp -0.1929554 0.1401321 -0.3186832 1.0000000 -0.4153005
elev 0.3508058 0.1943746 0.2619598 -0.4153005 1.0000000 precip2
A t-test is used to statistically assess whether the means of two groups are different. The null hypothesis is that the means are not different, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are different. In the example, I first use dplyr to subset out only counties in Utah or North Dakota since we can only compare two groups with a t-test. I then use the base R t.test() function to perform the test. Specifically, I assess whether the mean annual county temperatures are different for the two states. I provide a formula and a data set.
Once the test executes, the result will be printed to the console. A p-value of ~4e-8 is obtained, which is much lower than 0.05. This indicates a rejection of the null hypothesis at a 95% confidence. So, mean annual temperature by county in these two states are suggested to be statistically different.
<- hp_data2 %>% filter(STATE_NAME == "Utah" | STATE_NAME== "North Dakota") hp_sub
t.test(temp ~ STATE_NAME, data=hp_sub)
Welch Two Sample t
: temp by STATE_NAME
data= -7.0968, df = 33.012, p-value = 3.976e-08
t : true difference in means is not equal to 0
alternative hypothesis95 percent confidence interval:
-4.069117 -2.255890
sample estimatesin group North Dakota mean in group Utah
mean 5.109584 8.272087
Mann-Whitney U Test
A t-test is a parametric test. As discussed above, this means that it has some assumptions. Specifically, the t-test assumes that the two groups are independent of each other, samples within groups are independent, the dependent variable is normally distributed, and the two groups have similar variance. It is likely that at least some of these assumptions are violated. For example, due to spatial autocorrelation, it is unlikely that samples are independent. The Mann-Whitney U Test offers a nonparametric alternative to the t-test with relaxed distribution assumptions. However, it is still assumed that the samples are independent. The example below provides the result for the comparison of Utah and North Dakota. A statistically significant p-value is obtained, again suggesting that mean annual temperature by county is different between the two states.
wilcox.test(temp ~ STATE_NAME, data=hp_sub)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
: temp by STATE_NAME
data= 169, p-value = 6.265e-09
W : true location shift is not equal to 0 alternative hypothesis
What if you would like to compare more than two groups? This can be accomplished using analysis of variance or ANOVA. There are many different types of analysis of variance that vary based on study design, such as One-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVA, MANOVA, Factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA, and MANCOVA. Here, I will simply demonstrate One-Way ANOVA, which is used to compare the means of a single variable between groups. However, if you need to implement one of the more complex methods, you can use similar syntax.
Similar to the example above, I am assessing whether the mean annual temperature by county is different between states. However, now I am assessing all states in the data set as oppose to only two. The null hypothesis is that no pair of means are different while the alternative hypothesis is that at least one pair of means is different. The test results in a statistically significant p-value, suggesting that at least one pair of states have statistically different mean annual temperature by county. However, the test does not tell us what pair or pairs are different.
Following a statistically significant ANOVA result, it is common to use a pair-wise test to compare each pair combination. There are different methods available. Here, I am using the Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference method, made available by the TukeyHSD(), function to perform the comparisons. If the p-value is lower than 0.05 and the confidence interval does not include zero within its range, the states are suggested to be statistically significantly different at the 95% confidence level.
<- aov(temp ~ STATE_NAME, data=hp_data2)
fit summary(fit)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value 7 3356 479.5 176.9 <2e-16 ***
STATE_NAME 481 1303 2.7
Residuals ---
: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Signif. codesTukeyHSD(fit)
Tukey multiple comparisons of means95% family-wise confidence level
: aov(formula = temp ~ STATE_NAME, data = hp_data2)
diff lwr upr p adj-Colorado 5.79408322 4.999344528 6.5888219 0.0000000
Kansas-Colorado -1.04806783 -1.965074015 -0.1310616 0.0127131
Montana-Colorado 2.97853221 2.164607922 3.7924565 0.0000000
Nebraska-Colorado -1.73668701 -2.667431873 -0.8059421 0.0000006
North Dakota-Colorado 0.87163656 -0.007538505 1.7508116 0.0538864
South Dakota-Colorado 1.42581618 0.304009224 2.5476231 0.0031044
Utah-Colorado -0.96872817 -2.187076194 0.2496198 0.2336977
Wyoming-Kansas -6.84215105 -7.671409522 -6.0128926 0.0000000
Montana-Kansas -2.81555101 -3.529162961 -2.1019391 0.0000000
Nebraska-Kansas -7.53077022 -8.375196232 -6.6863442 0.0000000
North Dakota-Kansas -4.92244666 -5.709668399 -4.1352249 0.0000000
South Dakota-Kansas -4.36826704 -5.419561536 -3.3169725 0.0000000
Utah-Kansas -6.76281139 -7.916562307 -5.6090605 0.0000000
Wyoming-Montana 4.02660004 3.178936919 4.8742632 0.0000000
Nebraska-Montana -0.68861917 -1.649007653 0.2717693 0.3639826
North Dakota-Montana 1.91970439 1.009205179 2.8302036 0.0000000
South Dakota-Montana 2.47388401 1.327362809 3.6204052 0.0000000
Utah-Montana 0.07933966 -1.161801720 1.3204810 0.9999995
Wyoming-Nebraska -4.71521921 -5.577726274 -3.8527121 0.0000000
North Dakota-Nebraska -2.10689565 -2.913481797 -1.3003095 0.0000000
South Dakota-Nebraska -1.55271602 -2.618588096 -0.4868440 0.0003041
Utah-Nebraska -3.94726038 -5.114309789 -2.7802110 0.0000000
Wyoming-North Dakota 2.60832357 1.683988946 3.5326582 0.0000000
South Dakota-North Dakota 3.16250319 2.004964184 4.3200422 0.0000000
Utah-North Dakota 0.76795883 -0.483367502 2.0192852 0.5734358
Wyoming-South Dakota 0.55417962 -0.562314593 1.6706738 0.8013743
Utah-South Dakota -1.84036473 -3.053822760 -0.6269067 0.0001347
Wyoming-Utah -2.39454436 -3.793823612 -0.9952651 0.0000078 Wyoming
Since ANOVA is a parametric method, it has assumptions, similar to the t-test. Specifically, ANOVA assumes that samples are independent, the data and model residuals (i.e., error terms) are normally distributed, and that variance is consistent between groups.
A Q-Q plot can be used to visually assess data normality by comparing the quantiles of the data to theoretical quantiles, or the quantiles the data would have if they were normally distributed. Divergence from the line suggests that the data are not normally distributed.
In the examples below I have created Q-Q plots using two different functions: qqnorm() and qqPlot(). The first plot represents the distribution of the temperature data while the second plot represents the distribution of the model residuals. Since the data points diverge from the line, this suggests that the data are not normally distributed and that an assumption of ANOVA is violated.
qqPlot(lm(temp~STATE_NAME, data=hp_data2), simulate=TRUE, main="Q-Q Plot", labels=FALSE)
[1] 36 47
The Bartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variance is used to assess whether variance is the same between groups. A statistically significant result, as obtained here, suggests that this assumption is violated.
bartlett.test(temp ~ STATE_NAME, data=hp_data2)
Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
: temp by STATE_NAME
data's K-squared = 288.27, df = 7, p-value < 2.2e-16 Bartlett
ANOVA is also sensitive to outliers. The Bonferroni Outlier Test is used to determine whether outliers are present. The results in this case do suggest the presence of outliers.
-value Bonferroni p
rstudent unadjusted p36 -4.017031 6.8395e-05 0.033445
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Since many of the assumptions of ANOVA are violated, as highlighted by the analysis above, it would be good to assess difference between groups using a nonparametric alternative. The Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test provides this alternative. Similar to ANOVA, a statistically significant result, as obtained here, suggests that at least one pair of groups are different. It does not tell you what pair or pairs. So, I use the function from the asbio package to perform a nonparametric pair-wise comparison. A p-value lower than 0.05 and a confidence interval that does not include zero in its range suggest difference between the two groups.
kruskal.test(temp ~ STATE_NAME, data=hp_data2)
-Wallis rank sum test
: temp by STATE_NAME
data-Wallis chi-squared = 367.65, df = 7, p-value < 2.2e-16$temp, hp_data2$STATE_NAME, conf=0.95)
95% Confidence intervals for Kruskal-Wallis comparisons
Diff Lower Upper Decision-Kansas -253.02917 -323.02863 -183.02971 Reject H0
Colorado-Montana 67.86607 -12.90254 148.63468 FTR H0
Colorado-Montana 320.89524 247.85532 393.93515 Reject H0
Kansas-Nebraska -131.1539 -202.8432 -59.4646 Reject H0
Colorado-Nebraska 121.87527 59.02134 184.7292 Reject H0
Kansas-Nebraska -199.01997 -273.68094 -124.359 Reject H0
Montana-North Dakota 102.26769 20.289 184.24638 Reject H0
Colorado-North Dakota 355.29686 280.92101 429.6727 Reject H0
Kansas-North Dakota 34.40162 -50.18804 118.99128 FTR H0
Montana-North Dakota 233.42159 157.45318 309.38999 Reject H0
Nebraska-South Dakota -19.88068 -97.31718 57.55582 FTR H0
Colorado-South Dakota 233.14848 163.81111 302.48586 Reject H0
Kansas-South Dakota -87.74675 -167.94224 -7.55127 Reject H0
Montana-South Dakota 111.27322 40.23025 182.31618 Reject H0
Nebraska-South Dakota -122.14837 -203.56246 -40.73428 Reject H0
North Dakota-Utah -52.97629 -151.78346 45.83088 FTR H0
Colorado-Utah 200.05287 107.45634 292.64941 Reject H0
Kansas-Utah -120.84236 -221.82633 -19.8584 Reject H0
Montana-Utah 78.1776 -15.7029 172.05811 FTR H0
Nebraska-Utah -155.24398 -257.19838 -53.28958 Reject H0
North Dakota-Utah -33.09561 -131.43484 65.24362 FTR H0
South Dakota-Wyoming 57.00272 -50.30765 164.31309 FTR H0
Colorado-Wyoming 310.03188 208.41113 411.65263 Reject H0
Kansas-Wyoming -10.86335 -120.18133 98.45462 FTR H0
Montana-Wyoming 188.15662 85.36455 290.94868 Reject H0
Nebraska-Wyoming -45.26497 -155.48003 64.95008 FTR H0
North Dakota-Wyoming 76.8834 -29.99627 183.76307 FTR H0
South Dakota-Wyoming 109.97901 -13.26753 233.22555 FTR H0
Adj. P-Kansas 0
Colorado-Montana 0.242811
Colorado-Montana 0
Kansas-Nebraska 0
Colorado-Nebraska 0
Kansas-Nebraska 0
Montana-North Dakota 0.002729
Colorado-North Dakota 0
Kansas-North Dakota 1
Montana-North Dakota 0
Nebraska-South Dakota 1
Colorado-South Dakota 0
Kansas-South Dakota 0.017672
Montana-South Dakota 2.8e-05
Nebraska-South Dakota 7.8e-05
North Dakota-Utah 1
Colorado-Utah 0
Kansas-Utah 0.005193
Montana-Utah 0.260082
Nebraska-Utah 5.5e-05
North Dakota-Utah 1
South Dakota-Wyoming 1
Colorado-Wyoming 0
Kansas-Wyoming 1
Montana-Wyoming 0
Nebraska-Wyoming 1
North Dakota-Wyoming 0.689842
South Dakota-Wyoming 0.148743 Utah
Concluding Remarks
Again, my goal here was to provide a demonstration of data summarization and statistical tests that can be performed in R. As this is not a statistics course, I did not explain the methods in detail or provide examples of more complex techniques. If you are interested in these topics, I would suggest taking a statistics and/or spatial statistics course. If you need to perform more complex statistical analyses in R, you will find that they can be performed using similar syntax to the examples provided here.
We will discuss more data summarization in later modules including data visualization and graphing with ggplot2 and spatial data visualization and summarization with a variety of mapping and spatial analysis packages. In regards to statistical methods, we will explore linear regression and machine learning at the end of the course.