Generate image grid of mini-batch of image chips and associated masks created by a DataLoader.
- dataLoader
Instantiated instance of a DataLoader created using torch::dataloader().
- nCols
Number of columns in the image grid. Default is 3.
- r
Index of channel to assign to red channel. Default is 1 or first channel. For gray scale or single-band images, assign the same index to all three bands.
- g
Index of channel to assign to green channel. Default is 2 or the second channel. For gray scale or single-band images, assign the same index to all three bands.
- b
Index of channel to assign to blue channel. Default is 3 or the third channel. For gray scale or single-band images, assign the same index to all three bands.
- cNames
Vector of class names. Must be the same length as number of classes.
- cColors
Vector of color values to use to display the masks. Colors are applied based on the order of class indices. Length of vector must be the same as the number of classes.