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Apply a trained semantic segmentation model to predict back to geospatial raster data


  mode = "multiclass",
  predType = "class",
  biThresh = 0.5,
  useCUDA = FALSE,
  nChn = 3,
  normalize = FALSE,
  rescaleFactor = 1,
  usedDS = FALSE



Input image to classify. Can be a file path (full or relative to current working directory) or a SpatRaster object. Should have the same number of bands as the data used to train the model. Bands must also be in the same order.


Trained model to use to infer to new data.


Name of output prediction with full path or path relative to the working directory. Must also include the file extension (e.g., ".tif).


Either "multiclass" or "binary". Default is "multiclass". If model returns a single logit for the positive case, should be "binary". If two or more class logits are returned, this should be "multiclass". This package treats all cases as multiclass.


"class", "logit", or "prob". Default is "class". Whether to generate a "hard" classification ("class"), logit(s) ("logit"), or rescaled logit(s) ("prob") with a sigmoid or softmax activation applied for the positive class or each predicted class. If "class", a single-band raster of class indices is returned. If "logit" or "prob", the positive class probability is returned as a single-band raster grid for a binary classification. If "logit" or "prob" for a multiclass problem, a multiband raster grid is returned with a channel for each class.


When mode = "binary" and predType = "class", threshold to use to indicate the presence class. This threshold is applied to the rescaled logits after a sigmoid activation is applied. Default is 0.5. If the rescaled logit is greater than or equal to this threshold, pixel will be mapped to the positive case. Otherwise, it will be mapped to the negative or background class. This parameter is ignored for multiclass classification.


TRUE or FALSE. Whether or not to perform the inference on a GPU. If TRUE, the GPU is used. If FALSE, the CPU is used. Must have access to a CUDA- enabled graphics card. Default is FALSE. Note that using a GPU significantly speeds up inference.


Number of classes being differentiated. Should be 1 for a binary classification problem where only the positive case logit is predicted or the number of classes being differentiated for a multiclass classification problem.


Size of image chips that will be fed through the prediction process. We recommend using the size of the image chips used to train the model. However, this is not strictly necessary.


Stride in the x direction. We recommend using a 50% overlap.


Stride in the y direction. We recommend using a 50% overlap.


Number of rows and columns to crop from each side of the image chip to reduce edge effects. We recommend at least 20.


Number of input channels. Default is 3.


TRUE or FALSE. Whether to apply normalization. If FALSE, bMns and bSDs is ignored. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, you must provide bMns and bSDs. This should match the setting used in defineSegDataSet().


Vector of band means. Length should be the same as the number of bands. Normalization is applied before any rescaling within the function. This should match the setting used in defineSegDataSet() when model was trained.


Vector of band standard deviations. Length should be the same as the number of bands. Normalization is applied before any rescaling within the function. This should match the setting used in defineSegDataSet().


A rescaling factor to rescale the bands to 0 to 1. For example, this could be set to 255 to rescale 8-bit data. Default is 1 or no rescaling. This should match the setting used in defineSegDataSet().


TRUE or FALSE. If model is configured to use deep supervision, this must be set to TRUE. Default is FALSE, or it is assumed that deep supervision is not used.


A spatRast object and a raster grid saved to disk of predicted class indices (predType = "class"), logits (predType = "logit"), or rescaled logits (predType = "prob").


This function generates a pixel-by-pixel prediction using input data and a trained semantic segmentation model. Can return either hard classifications, logits, or rescaled logits with a sigmoid or softmax activation applied. Note that this package treats all problems as multiclass problems and does not differentiate between binary and multiclass classification. As a result, in our workflow the multiclass mode should be used. Result is written to disk and provided as a spatRaster object. If you are experiencing memory issues, you may need to break larger raster extents into smaller tiles for processing.
