Generate summary information for a batch of image chips and masks.
- dataLoader
Instantiated instance of a DataLoader created using torch::dataloader().
- zeroStart
TRUE or FALSE. If class indices start at 0, set this to TRUE. If they start at 1, set this to FALSE. Default is FALSE.
The goal of this function is to provide a check of a mini-batch of image chips and associated masks generated by a DataLoader instance using defineSegDataSet(). Summary information includes the mini-batch size (batchSize); image chip data type (imageDataType); mask data type (maskDataType); the shape of the mini-batch of images or predictor variables as mini-batch size, number of channels, width pixel count, and height pixel count (imageShape); the mask shape (maskShape); image band means (bndMns); image band standard deviations (bndSDs); count of pixels in each class in the mini-batch (maskCnts); and minimum (minIndex) and maximum (maxIndex) class indices present in the mini-batch.